Saturday, January 25, 2020
Turkish Migration To Germany History Essay
Turkish Migration To Germany History Essay In our presentation we are going to analyze a specific case concerning to the European continent. We will focus on the Turkish migration to Germany and all the consequences and implications it has brought to both countries since its beginnings until now. In order to do so we have to understand the general context of the continent, its history and the cultural backgrounds of the different players. We will see the differences in terms of languages, religions and common behaviors inside the old continent. We will start with basic information about Europe: Historical political divisions Population Countries Sub-regions Languages Finally we will make a brief review of the actual situation of Europe and we will talk about the European Union from its birth until these days (noting its relevance with our specific subject). As the center of the presentation is going to be the Turkish migration to Germany we will go through its history. We can find its roots in the 17th and 18th centuries and study its evolution and the conflicts that it has presented. European history On the second half of the 18th century there was a transformation in the British Empire on the social and economic structures that would lead to the posterior Industrial Revolution in the 19 century. The colonial expansion leaded to an increasingly demand on products, so the empires had to modernize their structures. The industrial revolution brought development for the whole continent in matter of technology and infrastructure, but in the end of the 18th century the French Revolution started to shape the actual foundations of the modern Europe. After the establishment of France as a republic, Napoleon and his campaign, and its posterior deception proclaiming himself emperor, the Empires started to show their own nationalism in different location of the continent. The Italian reunification, and the German unification, leaded by Otto Von Bismarck are two classical examples of the basis of nationalism. These empowered each empire and this would be the trigger of an arms race at the end of the 19th century. The Turkish nationalism finds its beginning on the last decade of the 19th century. By the beginning of the 20th century several states of Europe had won their independence and the tense relations among the several empires would lead to the First World War in 1914 which faced the Central Powers against the Allied Powers. The result of this war was the victory of the Allied Powers, and the new European order was established after the several treaties like the Versailles Treaty. The most affected empires after the war were the Ottoman Empire (which concluded in 1922) and the German Empire. The Germans were not quite happy with the Versailles Treaty, and especially a military called Adolph Hitler started to promote a new era for the German nationalism. In 1933 Hitler was elected as the new Chancellor of Germany and one year later he proclaims Fà ¼hrer and absolute emperor of the 3rd Reich. The fascism promoted by the Reich was influenced by the Italian fascism, and later it would also inspire the Spanish fascism. The Hitlerà ´s project with the Nazism was defeated in the end of the 2nd World War in 1945, and changed once again the European order. After this war the whole continent was in ruins. The human losses and infrastructure damage were crushing. Right after the war end, the reconstruction of Europe started with economic founds to stand up the old continent. Most of the states were united for one single objective and this common feeling would lead to the birth of the communities that later on led to the foundation of todayà ´s European Union. European Union The EU was established by the Treaty of Maastricht on 1 November 1993 upon the foundations of the European Community. It has built a single market that allows the free movement of people, goods, services, and capital. It maintains common policies on trade, agriculture, fisheries and regional development. cite_note-15 Sixteen member states have adopted a common currency, the euro, constituting the Eurozone. The EU has developed a limited role in foreign policy, having representation at the World Trade Organization, G8, G-20 major economies and at the United Nations. In certain areas, decisions are made through negotiation between member states, while in others; independent supranational institutions are responsible without a requirement for unanimity between member states. Important institutions of the EU include the European Commission, the Council of the European Union, the European Council, the Court of Justice of the European Union, and the European Central Bank. The European Parliament is elected every five years by member states citizens, to whom the citizenship of the European Union is guaranteed. The EU traces its origins from the European Coal and Steel Community formed among six countries in 1951 and the Treaty of Rome formed officially the European Economic Community and the European Atomic Energy community in 1957 by the same states (Belgium, France, Italy, Luxemburg, the Netherlands and West Germany). This was the very first origin of the European Community. Since then there have been several enlargements to become in the EU as we know it today. EU enlargements: 1973- Denmark, Ireland and UK. 1981- Greece. 1986- Spain and Portugal. The EU flag started to be used. 1990- East Germany. 1993- Maastricht treaty and official formalization of the EU. 1995- Austria, Sweden and Finland. 2002- Euro as a currency. 2004- Malta, Cyprus, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovak Republic and Hungary. 2007- Romania and Bulgaria. Language Native Speakers Total English 13% 51% German 18% 32% French 12% 26% Italian 13% 16% Spanish 9% 15% Polish 9% 10% Dutch 5% 6% Greek 3% 3% Czech 2% 3% Swedish 2% 3% Hungarian 2% 2% Portuguese 2% 2% Catalan 1% 2% Slovak 1% 2% Danish 1% 1% Finnish 1% 1% Lithuanian 1% 1% Bulgarian 1% 1% Romanian 1% 1% Slovene 1% 1% 1Published in 2006, before the accession of Bulgaria and Romania. Native: Native language Total: EU citizens able to hold a conversation in this language With 27 member countries and a population of nearly half a billion, the European Union covers a large part of Europe. Since its creation, it has worked to bring prosperity and stability to its citizens. Its policies and actions affect all its citizens directly and indirectly. The European Union is the worlds biggest trading power. It accounts for 17% of the world trade (similar to the US), and is also the first investing power in FDI. The European Union has 495 million inhabitants the worlds third largest population after China and India. Country Population (millions) China (CN) à 1 321.8 India (IN) à 1 129.9 EU-27 à 495.0 United States (US) à 301 Russia (RU) à 141.4 Japan (JP) à 127.4 Eurostat, One of the EUs main aims is economic progress. Over the last 50 years, and especially since the 1980s, much has been done to break down the barriers between the EUs national economies and to create a single market where goods, people, money and services can move around freely. Trade between EU countries has greatly increased and, at the same time, the EU has become a major world trading power. GDP in billions of euro (2007) Country GDP (billions euro) EU-27 12276.2 US 10094.5 Japan 3197.6 China* 1787.3 Russia* 610.6 *2005 Sources: IMF, Eurostat. In all EU countries, over 60% of GDP is generated by the service sector (this includes things such as banking, tourism, transport and insurance). Industry and agriculture, although still important, have declined in economic importance in recent years. If a country has applied to join the European Union and its application has been officially accepted, it becomes a candidate country. At present there are three candidate countries Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey. Before a candidate country can join the EU it must have a stable system of democratic government, institutions that ensure the rule of law and respect for human rights. It must also have a functioning market economy and an administration capable of implementing EU laws and policies. The specific membership terms for each candidate country are worked out in negotiations with the European Commission. The candidate countries differ in size, with Turkey by far the largest. Its population is bigger than any current EU member except Germany. Together, the three candidates would increase the total EU population by 16%. When you compare their GDP in PPS per inhabitant, the candidate countries are considerably less wealthy than the EU average. However, Croatia has a per capita GDP which is higher than those of Bulgaria and Romania, who became EU members in 2007. Economic reforms in recent years have brought great changes in the candidate countries, helping to create new jobs. But employment rates among people of working age in the candidate countries are lower than the EU average. In the candidate countries, as in the EU, services (including tourism) are an important part of the economy. As with the countries that have joined the EU since 2004, the candidate countries have a larger share of the population employed in agriculture than the EU-15. Germany The federal Republic of Germany is located in central Europe. With more than 82000.000 people it represents the most populated country among the members of the EU. It is also the third biggest international migrant destination in the world. The reunification of the German States was in October 3rd in 1990 (one year after the fall of the Berlin wall). Germany stands as the third biggest economy with a GDP of US$ 3.67 trillion. It accounts for GDP per capita of US$ 44.728. Christianism has the biggest representation in Germany accounting for 64% of the population. Islamism is the second one (4%) followed by Buddhism and Judaism (0, 25% each). The German management style is rigorous but not ruinous. The companies fight for market share and not for market domination, in contrast with the American styles. The managers are always committed with all the processes inside the company in order to follow production methods closely and know their shop floors intimately. Turkish migration to Germany. The Germanic states have been in contact with Turks since the 17th and 18th centuries when the Ottoman Turks attempted to expand their territories through the Balkans. Two sieges were held in Vienna in 1529 and 1683. cite_note-7 It was the latter incident that, after the retreat of the Ottoman army, left behind many Muslim Turks who first became permanent residents in Germany. The relief of Vienna and the Ottoman retreat left behind large numbers of Ottoman soldiers and camp followers, either as stragglers or prisoners. Diplomatic relations were established between Berlin and Constantinople (todays Istanbul) in the 18th century, and by the 19th century trading treaties were set up between the two cities. These developments encouraged the crossover of citizens between the Ottoman and German states. cite_note-11 As a consequence to these developments, the Turkish community in Germany, and particularly in Berlin, grew significantly in the years before the First World War. During the World War I the Ottoman Empire and the German Empire fought as allies. During the postwar period the Turkish governments supported the Federal Germany in all the international instances. Nevertheless as the postwar was left behind and the migration of the Turkish to Germany started to be massive the situation between both countries has been deteriorated. During the Nazi regime and since the beginning of the Second World War, foreign workers were incorporated to the labor force and the industrial production of Germany was held by war prisoners. The evolution of Germany as an immigrant receptor country started in the 50s. Decimated by the war the German soldiers were not able to cover the labor force needed when they came back to their home. Until 1950 this gap in the demand was covered by the fugitives of the East Germanic zones. Since 1959 (and later on with the Berlin Wall in 1961) many German companies suffered a huge lack of qualified workers leading to the signature of working contracts from workers coming from Greece, Spain, Turkey, Portugal, Morocco, Tunisia and Yugoslavia. These contracts objectives were to recruit the Gastarbeiter (guest worker) in order to impulse the German miracle. The Gastarbeiter were foreign men that arrived into Germany without their families with the intentional to return to their homelands as soon as possible. This immigration to Germany brought huge benefits for all. The German enterprises could keep their growing rate; German government received extra contributions for the payment of pensions from the foreigners without having to pay anything to this group of workers. In the other hand the foreign nations could low the unemployment rate and receive money from Germany, all these because of the money remitted by the workers to their families. Finally the labor qualification of the workers increased in the German companies. In 1965 the foreigners law entered into force, this law made more flexible the permissions for residence and work for the foreigners. Both the entrepreneurs and the foreign workers were convinced that their stay in Germany was temporary, so the term Fremdarbeiter (foreign worker) was officially substituted by Gastarbeiter (guest worker), making emphasis on the provisional status. Later in 1971 the Work Permit Decree established that the foreigners with more than 5 years in Germany would receive a limited permission to stay another 5 years. These conditions plus the high population growth and mass unemployment within Turkey led to a massive migration of Turkish to Germany. By 1973 around 80% of the Turkish in western Europe were living in Germany, and although this share decreased to 70% by 1990, Germany remained by far the most important country of settlement for Turkish migrants. In 1978 Germany applied the law of family regrouping law and the arrival of migrants looking for political asylum. After this in 1983 the return to the original country for those who wanted to was facilitated by the German government, and in the following years the migratory quantity was negative. Since 1985 the immigration in Germany increased again due to the massive arrival of refugees because of the conflicts in the Balkans. On January 1, 2000, the new Nationality Law entered legal force which introduced elements of the ius soli for foreign children born in Germany for the first time. The law also brought new regulations for adult foreigners by reforming the old ones: among others a reduction of the necessary time of sojourn and the introduction of a language test in the naturalization proceeding. This change in law was the first step to solve a problem in the legal integration of immigrants to Germany which had already become obvious for quite a considerable time. Nowadays from the 2,3 million of Turks living in Germany, only 700.000 have German passport. Negative sentiments towards immigrants, which have been evident in most industrialized countries during the last decade, are often expressed as fears that immigrants adversely affect the economic welfare of the native population. Immigrants are often perceived as a burden for the public budget as they allegedly pay less tax and contributions, on the one hand, but claim more benefits and disproportionately consume Government-provided goods and services. The effects of globalization on the labor market in European countries have become a major issue of public debate. The concern is that either jobs will be exported to low wage countries, or that immigrants will replace domestic workers in the destination country or depress local wages. Trade theory suggests that the mobility of factors of production reduces returns to the factor that is imported, and increases returns to other factors. Therefore, high-skilled migrants, for instance, should reduce salaries for high-skilled labor (as the offer of high-skilled labor is now more plentiful) and increase returns to capital and low-skilled workers. A major topic in the discussion on the impact of immigration on labor markets is the issue whether natives and foreigners are substitutes or whether foreign workers complement Germans in production. But overall, migrants have little aggregate effect on native wages and employment, though they can have more of an effect on different subgroups of natives. It is of substantial importance for the evaluation of the effects of immigration to know in which industries migrants work. In 2003 almost 60 % of immigrants were employed in the tertiary sector. A high percentage was also employed in manufacturing and construction. Over the past 20 years, there is a shift in sector distribution of migrant employees towards the tertiary sector. For a long time immigrants to advanced economies were viewed as workers who were pre-dominantly depicted as suppliers of cheap low-skilled labor. More recently, attention has shifted toward immigrants who start their own businesses. Self-employed or immigrant entrepreneurs have set up shop all over the western world and shaped the cosmopolitan look of many advanced economies. Self-employment by immigrants provides important socio-economic benefits for those directly involved in this process, as well as to the broader immigrant community and the immigrants host country. In terms of consumption, immigrants have also an important impact. Turkish Studies estimated, based on a survey of Turkish and German households, total consumption volume of Turkish community in Germany to be about 10 Billion German Mark in 1992. Over 45,000 Turks have purchased either a flat or a house in Germany. They make up a significant consumer group in the housing, car and stock exchange markets and show more interest in consumer goods than Germans. The study concludes that Turkish households have higher consumption than German households. This finding is to some extent in contradiction with a general expectation in the relevant literature that migrants have a much higher savings ratio than natives. It is due to migrants expectation of their future income to fall if they have a positive probability of returning home, or an assumed higher marginal utility of consumption in their home country. Immigrants remit the bulk of their savings to their families back home. The political and academic debate on the cultural context of migration has so far focused on the Muslim minority though, which nowadays accounts for 3 % of the total population of Ger-many. Due to the fact that the majority of Muslim migrants have settled down permanently in Germany, members of the Muslim community have been working towards establishing their own institutions and practicing their traditional rites in Germany. These efforts include the construction of representative mosques and Muslim cemeteries, the practice of Muslim burial rituals, dress codes, the ritual slaughtering of animals or the introduction of Islamic religious instruction at public schools. Particularly the construction of mosques and cemeteries results in visible changes of German cityscapes: There are no longer just numerous in conspicuous backyard mosques, but also representative Mosque complexes. On account of their architecture, size and symbolic significance, such building plans have in almost all ca ses triggered controversy within local communities. There can be noticed impacts in all the fields (not only economic or religious). The German eating habits and the restaurant scene have fundamentally changed over the last decades: Non-German produce and meals have become an integral part of everyday life for almost everybody. The large number of ethnic food stores offering non-German products, above all Turkish greengrocers and the Asia Shop, also draw many customers from the receiving society. The prime example is the Turkish Dà ¶ner, or kebab, which has become the most popular type of fast food in Germany. Since the end of the 1990s, kebabs have become the product with the highest sales figures on the German restaurant market. Migration and the media has been a topic widely elaborated. Two aspects appear to be particularly relevant: Immigrants as media consumers and producers, as well as immigrants as topics of reports in the German media. The German media market offers a wide range of products for non-Germans, most of them being monolingual and addressing one nationality only. Over fifty non-German newspapers are produced in Germany; among the languages of former guest workers the majority of them being published are in Turkish. Additionally, there is a Turkish radio station in Berlin. In addition, there have also been plans for setting up a German-Turkish TV channel. At the same time, German-Turkish film and television companies play a more important role on the German media market. Conclusions: Europe has been characterized through all its history for its ethno-diversity due to several intercultural encounters. The creation of the European Union and all its laws has consolidated even more the cultural mixture environment inside the continent. Because of being the first economy in the world, the EU constitutes an attractive market for migrant workers from both its member and non-member States. The actual situation in Germany with the Turks is the result of the evolution of 400 years of tight relations between both cultures. The II World War and the lack of men hand labor was a critical factor that triggered the migration to Germany. The specific conditions and relations allowed that a huge part of these migrants to be Turkish. Turkish migrants still represents a relevant source of hand labor and entrepreneurship in Germany. Turkish represents the majority of the minorities in Germany. The immigrants influence in Germany can be seen not only in the economic terms but also in all the social, political, religious and cultural issues that involve a cross-cultural encounter. Methodology This work is going to be presented in the course Organizations and cultures, as an oral exposition on Thursday 22nd April 2010. We will use Microsoft Power Point slides and some other multimedia backup.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Hubris as a Major Element in Aeschylusââ¬â¢s Prometheus Bound Essay
Aristotle created the basis for many different subjects including drama, politics and philosophy. Today, many of his works are constantly studied and his modern ideas are still prevalent in society. In Poetics, Aristotle focuses on the best kinds of tragic plot (Aristotle 20). One of the most important aspects of a perfect tragedy is hamartia, sometimes misinterpreted as tragic flaw. The true definition of hamartia is a fatal error committed by a character that results in a change of fortune. When a character commits hamartia, the audience is subjected to emotions such as sympathy, fear and pity. Although hubris is not explicitly mentioned in the translations of Poetics, it is one of the major causes of hamartia. When hubris is present in the environment, it affects the charactersââ¬â¢ choices and decisions. Since hubris can be defined as extreme pride or self confidence (OED), taking advantage of those you have power over is an example of hubris. Fatal errors are committed when hubris is shown towards the character. In the case of Prometheus, hubris brings about stubbornness and rebellion causing him to give the humans fire. Hubris is a vital element in Aeschylusââ¬â¢s Prometheus Bound because it helps us understand why the characters behave the way they do. Since Prometheus is the central character as the play is titled with his name, it would be logical to base this essay around him. However, this essay is focused on how Zeus displays and suffers hubris. While Zeus is not a character in the play, he is still a central force because he is constantly mentioned. The play revolves around the fact that Zeus has punished Prometheus by chaining him to a rock. Even though he has no lines, the audience learns of his character through others. It is therefore perfectly valid to refer to him as a character and show how he exemplifies hubris. Throughout the play, Zeus displays hubris towards the majority of the characters. He shows arrogance not only towards those he is angry with such as Prometheus, but also towards his servants such as Hephaestus and Hermes. All of Zeusââ¬â¢s subjects including Io and the brother of Prometheus are subject to the tyranny and wrath of their ruler (Aeschylus 8). One of Zeusââ¬â¢s hamartia is his lack of ability to have friends. During the war between the Titans and the Olympians, Prometheus came to the aid of Zeus and helped him become the successful leader of the present world. Zeus however is so arrogant, that he does not take anyone including Prometheus as a friend regardless of the help he has received from him (Aeschylus 10). Therefore when Prometheus commits the fatal flaw of giving humans fire out of his own whims (Aeschylus 11), Zeus cruelly punishes him. Prometheus recognizes this when he states: ââ¬Å"Behold in chains confined an ill-starred god/The detested of Zeusâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ (Aeschylus 7). Zeusââ¬â¢ inability to have friends results in Prometheus being tied up. The cruelty Zeus shows towards Prometheus is an act of hubris. Prometheus is not the only subject who faces hubris from Zeus. When Io appears, she enters with horns like a cow. Upon prodding from the Chorus, she proceeds to tell us her story. Not only is Zeus incapable of friendship, he is incapable of loving. He wanted to take away Ioââ¬â¢s virginity. When her father kicked her out of the house, Zeus turned her into a cow. A gadfly follows her around as a punishment causing her distress and pain (Aeschylus 29). Zeus abuses his power towards both Io and her father threatening that ââ¬Å"if he disobeyed, the bolt of Zeus would visit himâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ (pg 29). Since Zeus is in a position of power, he chooses to invoke fear on those he rules over for personal gain. Those who serve Zeus are also unfairly treated. Since Zeus is incapable of friendship, he chooses to operate through fear as opposed to friendship. Hephaestus is one of the servants who does what he is told but clearly shows his displeasure in carrying out Zeusââ¬â¢s commands. Zeus demands him to tie up his friend Prometheus. He tells his fellow servants, ââ¬Å"I have not the heart by force to bind/A god, my kinsman, in this wintry glen.â⬠. He goes on to say that he ââ¬Å"must brazenâ⬠himself to do so (Aeschylus 1). This shows us that he is obliged into following Zeus. Zeus takes advantage of those who serve him by using his power to force them to obey his command. Brief references are made to other people Zeus has oppressed. Atlas, the brother of Prometheus represents the many people towards whom Zeus abused his power. This Titan is also bound by Zeus and Prometheus weeps for him. This shows that hubris is so closely entwined in the nature of Zeus that he afflicts everyone in his power with it. Upon examining the play as a whole, it can be argued that Zeus also faces hubris. Since the play is mainly from Prometheusââ¬â¢s viewpoint, there is a bias towards how Zeus is viewed. This does not compensate the actions of Zeus, but shows that the play is one-sided and Zeus cannot defend himself. This form of hubris is an expansion of Aristotleââ¬â¢s original concept. It is a form of irony because only the audience knows Zeus is misrepresented. Prometheus has the power of speech unlike Zeus. Since Zeus is not present to share his view, hubris is shown towards him by portraying him so cruely. Reading Aristotleââ¬â¢s Poetics before reading Prometheus Bound helped me understand why Aeschylus wrote the play the way he did. Had I not read Aristotle before, it would have baffled me as to why Aeschylus would allow for the audience to know Prometheus will eventually be freed. However, now I know that the point of the drama is not to surprise the audience, but to invoke emotions such as pity and fear. I found it much easier to concentrate on one concept of Aristotle and apply it to the play as opposed to applying all of his terms. When I first read Prometheus Bound, Aristotleââ¬â¢s ideas were still fresh in my head. However upon examining the play further and re-reading it while looking for a specific concept, I found that I had missed many things. One of the reasons for this is that I was reading the play instead of watching it. Although this allowed me to re-read anything I did not understand, I could not visualize the actions as much as I would have been able to had I been sitting in an audience. Another reason is the language of the text. Since this play has been translated, it took a lot of effort and constant cross-referencing to understand all the finer details in the play. Because of this, most of my energy was being focused onto understanding the play instead of making connections. While concepts such as hubris are universal in plays and in real life, the way we identify them is constantly changing. Today we may feel the way Zeus treated Prometheus was unjust. However, the question remains if it was considered unjust in the time Prometheus Bound was written. Just like how we cannot use civilization chauvinism when interpreting Japanese plays such as Madame de Sade, we should not use historical chauvinism in interpreting older plays. The views I have presented towards how Zeus displays hubris is valid based on how the world is today and my view of the world. While the definition of hubris remains the same, whether pride, arrogance and tyranny are being shown according to its social context remains to be questioned. For example, women never used to have the right to vote and in fact were not even considered persons by law. At that time, it was perfectly common in society. Today, to say such a thing would be sexist and discriminatory and we could consider womenââ¬â¢s lack of suffrage as an example of hubris. The concept of oppression and inequality existed before women had the right to vote, but at that time, it was socially not considered discrimination or oppression. Similarly, treating servants and subjects unfairly through pride and arrogance will universally be considered as hubris. However, it is possible that at the time of Aeschylus, treating those one has power over unfairly was socially accepted. Works Cited Heath, Malcolm. Poetics . London: Penguin Books, 1996. Print. Thomson, George Derwent. Prometheus bound . New York: Dover Publications, 1995. Print. ââ¬Å"definition of hubris from Oxford Dictionaries Online.â⬠Oxford Dictionaries Online ââ¬â English Dictionary and Thesaurus. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Nov. 2010. .
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Accountability and Social Work Practice Free Essay Example, 2500 words
Concept of accountability is an extremely important factor in social work because of various interacting elements which have a significant influence on the overall development processes of the society. The main reason that accountability has a high stake in the social work is that the social workers, work for that vulnerable segment of the society that genuinely needs help. The empowerment of the vulnerable segment of the society, so that they become part of mainstream society and help contribute towards its development. Poor people report that state institutions are often neither responsive nor accountable to the poor and not accountable to anyone or accountable only to the rich and powerful (Narayan et al. 2000, pp. 172 and 177). The social workers have the important function of facilitating the support and resources for the intervention needed to empower the marginalized population so that they can become a fitting partner in the socio-economic development. According to Singh poor people are most reliant on government services and least equipped to hold government officials to account, they have the most to gain from social accountability initiatives (Singh Shah, 2003). Another major reason is that accountability in the actions and policy decisions facilitates better governance that strives to meet the challenges with more sincerity and efficiency. We will write a custom essay sample on Accountability and Social Work Practice or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now It promotes a work culture which is focused and highly result-oriented. When people know that their decisions and actions are under scrutiny, they are more cautious and make concerted efforts to include the interests of the people in all their decisions, which in turn lead to better programs and strategies in the various areas of development in the public welfare issues. The concept of accountability is hugely responsible for the high efficiency and effectiveness of all the development issues that are designed to benefit the public, especially that segment of the society that needs the support and facilitating resources for their social integration in the mainstream society.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Wuthering Heights Heathcliff Personality Essay - 628 Words
Heathcliffââ¬â¢s Personality Heathcliff is one of the main characters in the renowned novel, Wuthering Heights, by Emily Bronte. Heathcliff is such a memorable character due to his unique personality and how he approaches and engages conflicts in his life. Whether Heathcliffââ¬â¢s actions spark sympathy or lead to disappointment with his conduct, some characteristics of his personality do seem to stand out throughout the novel. Traits such as his unwillingness to forgive those for events in the past, his selfish nature, or even the deep emotion that emerges through this seemingly dark figure. In the novel Heathcliff is betrayed by those around him. He is forced to do servant duties by Hindley, who he lives with for many years. As if this isâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦This trait is reflected well when Heathcliff exclaims, ââ¬Å"Catherine Earnshaw, may you not rest so long as I live on.â⬠This quote shows that he could care less if Catherine is able to rest. Instead Heathcliff wants to assure that Ca therine will not be freed from her internal conflict before Heathcliff is able to put to rest his own emotional battles. Although many of the traits that Heathcliff is guilty of possessing are on the negative side, he does show great love and emotion in some portions of the novel. This is the side of Heathcliffââ¬â¢s personality that can really make one feel sympathy for him, as it seems that his deep love probably contributes to his negative side. Heathcliff so desperately wants Catherine to return to him that he can hardly live through a day without his emotional tornado wrecking his relations with others. Heathcliff really shows that he wants nothing more than Catherineââ¬â¢s love when he confesses to her his feelings even while she is married. ââ¬Å"If he loved you with all the power of his soul for a whole lifetime he couldnââ¬â¢t love you as much as I do in a single day.â⬠The fact that Heathcliff is completely unable to move on and get over his feelings for Cat herine really display his emotional nature. Heathcliff is one of those characters that will only be fully understood by the person who created the character. For everyone else there will always be room for discussion and disagreements concerning theShow MoreRelatedWuthering Heights By Emily Bronte947 Words à |à 4 PagesBronte, Wuthering Heights follows the life of Heathcliff, the family that raised him and those who impacted his life. It is a novel that goes from present day to past events to explain why Heathcliff is the way he is and how the story has formed throughout his life and the lives of those around him. 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In times of disarray and unrest, ââ¬Å"Wuthering Heightsâ⬠becomes symbolic in representing the uncertaintyRead More Characters of Catherine and Heathcliff in Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights1610 Words à |à 7 PagesThe Characters of Catherine and Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights à à à à Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights can be considered a Gothic romance or an essay on the human relationship. The reader may regard the novel as a serious study of human problems such as love and hate, or revenge and jealousy. One may even consider the novel Brontes personal interpretation of the universe. However, when all is said and done, Heathcliff and Catherine are the story. Their powerful presence permeates throughoutRead More The Character of Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte632 Words à |à 3 PagesThe Character of Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte In Wuthering Heights Heathcliff is both a romantic hero and a villain. As a romantic hero he is noble, brave and involved in a passionate love affair, he is also the main character. He is called a villain that means he is spiteful and only thinks about himself. Nobody, except Catherine and maybe Hareton like him. He immediately turns Lockwood against him, because he patronises Lockwood in a sophisticated manner that LockwoodRead MoreWuthering Heights by Emily Brontà « Essay1912 Words à |à 8 PagesWuthering Heights by Emily Brontà « BRONTÃâ¹ USES IMAGERY EFFECTIVELY TO EMPHASISE THE CHARACTERS OF HEATHCLIFF, CATHERINE AND LINTON AND THEIR COMPLEX RELATIONSHIPS IN Read MoreRomeo and Juliet vs Wuthering Heights Essay example2305 Words à |à 10 Pagesin ââ¬Å"Romeo and Julietâ⬠and ââ¬Å"Wuthering Heightsâ⬠and how do settings affect and reflect the characters? William Shakespeareââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Romeo and Julietâ⬠and Emily Brontà «Ã¢â¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Wuthering Heightsâ⬠are widely considered to be two of the most influential and popular romances in English literature. The way setting is used to reflect the mood of the scene, using variations of light and dark as well as weather and nature, is very stimulating to the imaginations of the audience. This essay will discuss how ShakespeareRead MoreHeathcliff - Hero or Villain1691 Words à |à 7 Pagesdifferent classes but for which could not be further apart. The heights is described as ââ¬Å"narrow windows being deeply set in the wallâ⬠and then Thrushcross Grange as ââ¬Å"the large, half curtain windows allowing the sun to come in from the outsideâ⬠- these two pictures painted by Bronte show the contrast between the two households. Thrushcross Grange is a place of pure sophistication, calmness and complete comfort and relaxation and the Heights is seen as a place of vio lence, despair and complete and utterRead MoreFeminist Ideas in Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights2400 Words à |à 10 Pagesromanticizing and instead opted for depicting things as they were. In addition the new approach to writing, the Victorian period is also noteworthy for new beliefs upon a number of things in human life, including, social environment, perception of personality and individual as such; moreover, the period was even more significant due to the changes in womenââ¬â¢s lives. The 19th century was a time during which women were fighting to obtain certain rights that were not delegated to them before, e.g. as educationRead MoreFeminism, Narrative And Psychoanalysis1991 Words à |à 8 Pages Published in 1974, Juliet Mitchellââ¬â¢s essay, ââ¬ËFemininity, Narrative and Psychoanalysisââ¬â¢, was originally a lecture delivered by the British second-wave feminist at a conference in Australia. One of the first proponents of Psychoanalytical Feminism, Mitchell fiercely defended the merits of psychoanalytical paradigms in feminist analysis at a time when they were largely considered two widely disparate and incompatible disciplines; especially since Mitchellââ¬â¢s contemporaries believed the former underminedRead MoreWhat Diseases Symbolize in Literature: Analyzing Chapter 24 of Thomas C Fosters How to Read Literature like a Professor1879 Words à |à 8 PagesEssay 1 What is in an illness? Is it just a physical ailment or abnormality? Well, in real life it may, but the presence of disease in literature seems to symbolize a lot more than what meets the eye. This is what Thomas C. Foster brings up in Chapter 24 of his work How to Read Literature like a Professor. Essentially, the chapter examines the importance of disease in literature from a symbolic standpoint. First, Foster explores the general concept of illness in literature in general. He discusses
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